Let's Party! Meerkats #2

I'm still a relative youngster in blogland compared to some of you but yesterday was my blog's 3rd anniversary!  I'm celebrating with an interactive make made for my OH's birthday - a gatefold shutter card using more of the meerkat stamps from my new Hobby Art set.  My first meerkat card you can see here.

I came across shutter opening style cards on Pinterest and found a template I could understand and make work for me here.  Made a mock up of one first to see how it all fitted together then decided to go bigger ending up with a 6"x 6" card.  I've listed my measurements just in case I put them somewhere very safe never to be found again!

Chocolate brown card base pieces -
12" x 6" - scored at 3" & 9" to create a gatefold.
9" x 4" strip - scored at 1cm on each short side - place a square die in the middle like a diamond & die cut to end up with two fishtail banner shapes for the shutter mechanism.
6" x 4" strip with a circle die cut from the middle.

This style of card can be decorated in so many different ways maybe with panels of patterned papers or die cuts.

I decided to use stamps on the front panels with trees and grasses surrounding the three die cut circles, fussy cut meerkats on the look out for their party guest coloured with promarkers and two circle sentiment die cut toppers overlapping the centre opening.

I've seen some examples that have just one large central topper and others with a belly band to slide off to hold the card together - so many choices.

Inside are two die cut striplet panels partly inked with DO. 

Behind the shutter reveal I've added a larger fussy cut meerkat and three balloons floating away with orange accents to brighten the overall brown and cream base colours.

I've used - Papermania brown textured cardstock
Cream metallic linen cardstock from The Works
Hobby Art Meerkat Madness stamp set
Neenah ultra smooth solar white card
Promarkers - tan, cinnamon, ivory, pumpkin
Sue Wilson Mini Striplets Intertwining Circles die
DO spiced marmalade

Linking up with -
Watercooler Wednesday                                                    Creative Inspirations
WWC306 - Michelle's Challenge: All About Occasions           January & February Challenge - Animal Antics!

Thank you for visiting - I'd love you to leave a comment if you have time - Steph x


  1. Congratulations on your 3rd Bloggiversary Steph! You must be having fun in Blogland and I don't know about you, but I am appreciating this fabulous community more and more!
    What a fun card you've made with your meerkats! A shutter card is a new one on me :) Vicky x

  2. Happy Blogiversary Steph! I love your shutter card! 💕 Clare x

  3. Such a fabulous card inside and out! Love the cute meerkats and the design is beautiful. Thank you playing along at Creative Inspirations, good luck.
    Gina xx

  4. Happy Blogiversary Steph. Your card is amazing and great use of the meerkats again - love the shutter action and thank you for the link. Emmax

  5. Happy blog anniversary Steph! Love your creation :-)

  6. Loved this card when I saw it on Craftworld. Your photo of the square die to cut the shutter pieces makes it so much easier than hand drawing the pieces. Thank you for sharing :) Sskullycatdesigns

  7. how amazing Steph. It's so cute. Love Meerkats. Thanks for sharing with us at Watercooler Wednesday this week.

  8. More meerkats, as you promised! Wow, this one is even nicer than the previous one! Inside and outside, it's brilliant. Great design and perfect colours! x

  9. Great card Steph, love the cute meerkats. Congratulations on your blogaversary.
    Thank you for joining us at Creative Inspirations. Good Luck!
    Donna x


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